Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Abdominal Surgery Post-Op Instructions

Abdominal Surgery Post-Op Instructions

You are being discharged following major abdominal surgery whether it was performed laparoscopic or through a large incision. When you leave the hospital you should do the following.

1. Fill your prescription for pain medicine

2. Continue to increase your activity slowly

3. You may walk up and down stairs

4. You may shower

5. You should eat a regular diet unless otherwise stated

6. You should taker fiber supplementation (Citrucel or Metamucil) and yes the powder not pills

7. You should resume your pre-hospital medications

You should not perform the following

1. lifting anything heavier than a grocery bag

2. bending to lift things

3. driving for at least 2 weeks following surgery or while taking any prescription pain medicine

4. tub bathing

5. make any important decisions while taking prescription pain meds

I would like you to call the office and ask to speak to my clinical coordinator Sue to make an appointment for 3 weeks from the day of discharge from the hospital.

Things you should be concerned about

1. Temperature of 101.5 or greater.

2. Drainage coming from the wound

3. Increasing redness of skin in the area of the wound

4. Leg swelling or pain

5. An sudden severe increase in pain

If any of these occur call the office immediately.

If you are running low on pain medication and think you will need more please call Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. We will not refill prescriptions at night or on the weekends so do not wait until you are completely empty.

If you have any issues that concern you please try to call during the working day so your questions can be answered by me. If questions are asked at night or on the weekends you will be talking to an expert in colorectal surgery but the doctor on call might not be familiar with you personally and the details of your case making detailed answers difficult.

If you plan for any reason to return to the emergency room please call our office first to discuss this with the on call surgeon in our practice. Your problem may be able to be dealt with without going to the emergency room and if it is necessary to go to the hospital the course might be able to be expedited.

Your pathology results will be discussed with you when I see you in the office and you will get a copy of your operative report and pathology report for your records.

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நாமும் அறிவோம் பிசியோதெரபி(Physiotherapy book in Tamil)

  முன்னுரை  பிசியோதெரபி மருத்துவம் நவீன மருத்துவத்தின் ஒரு பகுதியாகும், இந்த புத்தகத்தில் கழுத்து வலி, முதுகு வலி, தொலைபேசி பயன்பாட்டால் ஏற்...